
IVRE is a network cartography (or network recon) framework.


IVRE has five purposes (we use this word to refer to the different types of data IVRE handles), which can be stored by one or more backend databases:

  • data: associates IP ranges to Autonomous Systems (AS numbers and names), and geographical information (country, region, city), based on data from Maxmind GeoIP. It can be queried using:

    • Python API: the object from the ivre.db module.

    • Command line: the ivre ipdata tool.

    • Web (JSON) API: the /cgi/ipdata/<address> URL.

  • nmap (sometimes also referred to as scans): contains Nmap, Masscan, Dismap, Zgrab2, ZDNS, Nuclei, httpx, tlsx and dnsx scan results, as well as ivre auditdom results. Each record represents one host seen during one network scan. It can be queried using:

    • Python API: the db.nmap object from the ivre.db module.

    • Command line: the ivre scancli tool.

    • Web (JSON) API: the /cgi/scans and /cgi/scans/* URLs.

  • passive: contains host intelligence captured from the network using a Zeek dedicated module called passiverecon, p0f and airodump-ng logs. Each record represents one piece of information (e.g., the HTTP Server: header value Apache has been seen 10 times on port 80 of host It can be queried using:

    • Python API: the db.passive object from the ivre.db module.

    • Command line: the ivre ipinfo and ivre iphost tools. The latter is dedicated to passive DNS queries.

    • Web (JSON) APIs: the /cgi/passive and /cgi/passivedns URLs. The latter is dedicated to passive DNS and is compatible with the Common Output Format implemented for example in CIRCL’s PyPDNS.

  • view: contains a consolidated view of hosts based on data from nmap and passive. The structure of the records is similar to nmap, but each record represents a host, seen during one or more network scans and/or seen from network captures. It can be queried using:

    • Python API: the db.view object from the ivre.db module.

    • Command line: the ivre view tool.

    • Web (JSON) API: the /cgi/view and /cgi/view/* URLs.

    • Web UI: the / or /index.html Web page.

  • flow: contains aggregated network flows, as seen by Zeek, Argus or Netflows (using Nfdump). It can be queried using:

    • Python API: the db.flow object from the ivre.db module.

    • Command line: the ivre flowcli tool.

    • Web (JSON) API: the /flows URL.

    • Web UI: the /flow.html Web page.

The following (non-exhaustive) figure shows how the data gets from your favorite open-source tools to IVRE’s databases.

Storing data

digraph {
   graph [rankdir=LR];

   "ivre auditdom";

   XML [label="XML scan result"];
   JSON [label="JSON scan result"];
   CSV_LOG [label="airodump .csv files"];
   P0F_LOG [label="p0f output files"];
   PASS_LOG [label="passive_recon.log"];
   FLOW_LOG [label=".log files"];
   FLOWS [label="flow files"];

   db_data [label="" shape="box" style="filled"];
   db_nmap [label="db.nmap" shape="box" style="filled"];
   db_passive [label="db.passive" shape="box" style="filled"];
   db_flow [label="db.flow" shape="box" style="filled"];
   db_view [label="db.view" shape="box" style="filled"];

   "" -> db_data [label="ivre\nipdata"];
   "Nmap" -> XML [label="-oX"];
   "Masscan" -> XML [label="-oX"];
   "ivre auditdom" -> XML;
   "ivre auditdom" -> JSON [label="--json"];
   "Zgrab2" -> JSON [label="-o"];
   "Zdns" -> JSON [label="-o"];
   "Nuclei" -> JSON [label="-json -o"];
   "httpx" -> JSON [label="-json -o"];
   "tlsx" -> JSON [label="-json -o"];
   "dnsx" -> JSON [label="-json -o"];
   "Dismap" -> JSON [label="-j"];
   "airodump-ng" -> CSV_LOG [label="-w"];
   "p0f" -> P0F_LOG [label="-o"];
   "Zeek" -> PASS_LOG [label="passiverecon"];
   "Zeek" -> FLOW_LOG;
   "Argus" -> FLOWS;
   "Nfdump" -> FLOWS;

   XML -> db_nmap [label="ivre\nscan2db"];
   JSON -> db_nmap [label="ivre\nscan2db"];
   CSV_LOG -> db_passive [label="ivre\nairodump2db"];
   P0F_LOG -> db_passive [label="ivre\np0f2db"];
   PASS_LOG -> db_passive [label="ivre\npassiverecon2db"];
   FLOW_LOG -> db_flow [label="ivre\nzeek2db"];
   FLOWS -> db_flow [label="ivre\nflow2db"];
   db_passive -> db_view [label="ivre\ndb2view"];
   db_nmap -> db_view [label="ivre\ndb2view"];

     rank = same;
     "" -> "Nmap" -> "Masscan" -> "ivre auditdom" -> "Zgrab2" -> "Zdns" -> "Nuclei" -> "httpx" -> "tlsx" -> "dnsx" -> "Dismap" -> "airodump-ng" -> "p0f" -> "Zeek" -> "Zeek" -> "Argus" -> "Nfdump";
     rankdir = UD;

Accessing data

The following (also non-exhaustive) figures show how the data gets from IVRE’s databases back into your hands.

digraph {
    db_data [label="" shape="box" style="filled"];
    db_flow [label="db.flow" shape="box" style="filled"];
    db_nmap [label="db.nmap" shape="box" style="filled"];
    web_api_data [label="Web API\n/ipdata"];
    web_api_flows [label="Web API\n/flows"];
    web_api_scans [label="Web API\n/scans"];
    web_ui_flow [label="Web UI\n/flow.html"];
    cli_ipdata [label="CLI\nipdata"];
    cli_flow [label="CLI\nflowcli"];
    cli_scancli [label="CLI\nscancli"];
    db_data -> web_api_data;
    db_flow -> web_api_flows;
    db_flow -> cli_flow;
    db_nmap -> web_api_scans;
    web_api_flows -> web_ui_flow;
    db_data -> cli_ipdata;
    db_nmap -> cli_scancli;
digraph {
    db_passive [label="db.passive" shape="box" style="filled"];
    db_view [label="db.view" shape="box" style="filled"];
    web_api_passive [label="Web API\n/passive"];
    web_api_passivedns [label="Web API\n/passivedns"];
    web_api_view [label="Web API\n/view"];
    web_ui_view [label="Web UI /"];
    cli_ipinfo [label="CLI\nipinfo"];
    cli_iphost [label="CLI\niphost"];
    cli_view [label="CLI\nview"];
    db_view -> web_api_view;
    web_api_view -> web_ui_view;
    db_view -> cli_view;
    db_passive -> web_api_passive;
    db_passive -> web_api_passivedns;
    db_passive -> cli_ipinfo;
    db_passive -> cli_iphost;